I have read many blogs and internet sites prior to plunging in for the ETS. Most, if not all, of the patients who went for the surgery regretted. Many would say that, if given a chance, they would rather live on with the sweaty palms.
I find it rather amused, that these people were the ones who actually searching high and low for the ultimate cure for their hyperhidrosis condition. But when the results did not turn out to be 100% of what they wanted or dreamed of, they blamed the surgery.
Nothing can definitely replace the original and untouched creation given to us by God. Take for example, when you have myopia, and no matter how good your pair of glasses are, you can never achieve the perfect vision of your friends who do not have myopia. Similarly, even after laser eye correction, you might be off glasses forever, but some of us would still risk of getting haloes, distorted night vision and dry eye syndrome.
Therefore the important question here is, before opting for the ETS, have you actually decided that from now on, you want a pair of dry palms, which you have been longing for? Is it the permanent solution that you are looking for? Are you ready to compromise for some sweatiness elsewhere in your body in exchange for a pair of dry warm palms? Do you need your hands to work most of the time, like hand shakings, doctors examining patients, piano teacher, sales personnels etc. Oh by the way, if you are a swimming instructor, you DO NOT need this surgery, as you would be wet anyway! ;)
Also what I understood from my own surgeon, the clamping method used in the recent years, together with the technique of clamping the thoracic chain at T2 and below, yield a better outcome, as compared to previous years. Burning or cutting off the chain in fact gave more compensatory sweating, and possibly Horner Syndrome because of the involvement or interruption of T1 and their stellate ganglions. Even the vibration from the cutting technique can affect the higher centre, ie T1, and thus possibly causing unwanted outcomes.
Think about it. ETS may not be the best option, but I can say it is the only solution you dream of all this while of getting a pair of dry warm hands. Unless you have other options, maybe 20 years down the road, ETS at least can give me many years ahead with self confidence and no more avoidance.
30 years have past with wet hands, all I hope for is to have the next 30 years or more, with dry, warm normal palms.
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