Tuesday, April 19, 2016

5 Years Post ETS

I have not been updating my blog for the last 2 years, as nothing much as happened. Enjoying every moment of the dry and warm hands - and so much (so much!!) things that I could do, which I could not possibly dream of doing all these years before the ETS. Playing the piano, weight lifting at the gym, bowling, and the most dreadful task for sweaty palm sufferers - hand shaking with strangers.

However for the last 1-2 months, I started noticing my palms especially the right side started to sweat more than usual. Not that much of sweat, but under bright light I could see the "reflection" and sweat between the palm creases! Oh no... I hope the nerves at the sympathetic chains have not regrown or re-routed. 6 titanium clips on each side were implanted. The doctor told me the chance of any regrow of the nerves was absolutely minimal. But now I am starting to see some changes...

Chillies or any spicy food have been a no-no especially for the past 2 years. In the recent months, even a tiny bit of spice or pepper will cause PROFUSE sweating on my forehead. So much sweat that even a medium size towel will be soaked, after a spicy meal. But for me that is tolerable, as it is a great trade off for my dry palms. I just opt for zero spicy food most of the time.

Soles have been sweaty too, but I am not quite bothered by them. Most of the time I put on socks while at work, and even at home, sweaty soles aren't that bothersome.

However, now that the palms are more sweaty than usual really makes me "nervous" and "in fear" that the old time nightmare will strike back.

Hopefully I won't turn into that ol' "sweatyman" again...


  1. Sorry to hear yours palms started sweating again. But contrary to that, I believe you could keep your sweat in control for 5 years. Thats good if ETS last this long. I also wonder if there is any effective solution for facial hyperhidrosis.

    I have been writing quite a few articles on my blog www.livesweatfree.com, please check it and share your thoughts.

  2. Posting this 1 year later (as of today) it seems that the ETS is still good to go. Observing it over the last 1 year, the tiny sweat on my palms are transient and not always. Very tolerable. In fact appears "normal". My forehead sweat is only when i take spicy food... nothing else will provoke that. I can live without spicy food. As for armpit sweat, it is not profuse, but just like usual sweating due to hot weather, but definitely not like back in those days before ETS.

  3. Thanks alot Sweatyman for your article. It helps alot!!
    My kid have the same sweaty palm as yours. However she is just 15 years old which I do not suggest her to go for ETS yet. But definitely will bring her for ETS after 20. It was really great to have your comment each year on this article.
    Thanks a lot Sweatyman!!

    1. Hi Mike, thanks for leaving your nice comment here. I haven't been updating for a while, and I just wrote something today (12 years post ETS). I am sure your daughter would have been 20 this year, and she should go explore this ETS or any newer procedure. I am sure with the more advance and refined surgery now (as compared to mine 12 years ago), I believe your daughter would get her sweat palm problem corrected.
