Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almost 2 Years Post ETS

Time flies. It's been almost 2 years since I had my ETS done. I have benefited so much ever since I had the surgery performed on myself. It was an operation I should have done long ago! No regret, definitely.

However if you ask me today, what sort of side effects or complications I am experiencing.. Well, I can tell you for sure that there are not many major one, except probably I can no longer take any spicy food anymore. Even with just a little pepper or chilly in the food, my forehead will sweat so badly that it just won't stop. I literally need to use a towel to continuously wipe off the sweat while eating the spicy food. That's how bad it is today.

And in the recent few months, I suspect my sympathetic nerves are "regrowing". I at times start to get a little more moist palms, especially during anxious moments. They were completely "stone dry" for the first 6-12 months post ETS, but now, my palms appear to be more "natural" - ie. they sweat at "appropriate" times!

My soles and armpits are starting to sweat more than the first year post-op. But well, that was not my main reason I went for the surgery anyway... so it's ok! :)

But if you ask me, whether I regret having that operation...The answer is NO. I definitely enjoy the days with my dry palms. I have been able to do so many things I have longed to do; and now in bank or immigration office, I am able to have my "correct" thumbprint all the time, and the officers no longer need to complain of my "blurred" thumbprints!


  1. Hi,

    I was doing research for my website and came across your blog.. its very informative and would be a good resource for people considering ETS surgery.

    I have featured you on my website

    Hope you dont mind that. If you would like to writing a guest blog on my website about your experience with ETS, I will be very happy! Please let me know at

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Robert! Sure, you may link it to your site. I have not been updating my blog regularly, because so far everything remains "status quo" - ie no regret post ETS, and still enjoying my daily life without sweaty palms! That's why no much to write up anyway! :D

  3. Good to know that your ETS went well.. haven't heard many good stories on that, so its nice to hear something different :-)

    Keep us updated if something changes (hope not). I think a firt hand post from you on your ETS experience as a whole on would be awesome! Do let me know if you ever have time to write a post for us.. we will be very excited. You can contact me at

    So long,
